Illness and Medication Administration

Sick-Day Policy

You are required to notify our office if your child is ill at (913-367-6441). A child must be fever-free without medication for 24 hours before returning.


When a child becomes ill at the Center:

  • We will contact you immediately.
  • If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, we will call the person listed in your family information form.
  • The child will be isolated from other children, preferably in the office.
  • The parent/guardian or designated person must come after the sick child as soon as possible.

Mandatory guidelines from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment include coming immediately or sending someone for your child if the illness prevents participation in facility activities, requires greater care than staff can provide, or includes any of the following conditions:

  • Temperature: 100 degrees or greater, with other symptoms.
  • Severe Illness Symptoms: Such as unusual lethargy, uncontrolled coughing, irritability, persistent crying, or difficulty breathing.
  • Uncontrolled Diarrhea: Until it stops.
  • Vomiting: Two or more episodes in 48 hours.
  • Mouth Sores: With drooling.
  • Rash with Fever: Until non-communicable.
  • Purulent Conjunctivitis: Until 24 hours after treatment starts.
  • Untreated Infestations: Such as scabies or head lice.
  • Untreated Tuberculosis: Until cleared by a healthcare provider.
  • Unknown Contagious Diseases: While still communicable.

If your child was ill during the night with diarrhea, vomiting, asthma, persistent coughing, sore throat, or unknown/documented skin conditions, they need to stay home. A fever must be normal for 24 hours without medication before returning.

Administration of Medication

Prescription Medication:

  • Must be administered from the pharmacy container with the child’s name, medication name, dosage intervals, physician’s name, prescription date, and expiration date.
  • The label is considered the physician’s order.

Non-Prescription Medication:

  • Can be given with written permission and direction from the parent or guardian. Administered from the original container with the child’s name.

A KDHE Short-Term or Long-Term Medication form must be filled out by the parent. Teachers will record the date, time, name of medication, and their initials when administering.