Emergency and Unusual Occurrences Procedures

Emergency Care

In case of an emergency, the parent/guardian will be notified. The Executive Director and Program Director are the designated personnel responsible for taking an injured child to the hospital or doctor’s office and will stay with the child until the parent/guardian arrives. If the Executive Director and Program Director are unavailable, the lead staff of the building will assume this responsibility.

Fire Drills

Fire drills are to be carried out each month with no exceptions. Administrators will unlock the alarm panel to sound the alarm. Every teacher will proceed with their class to the nearest designated fire exit and walk the children away from the building. The head teacher will account for all children and check bathrooms before leaving the building. The cook will assist in the infant/toddler area. Fire drills are to be conducted in a quiet manner, and fire drill information will be posted.

Tornado Drills

Tornado drills are to be carried out from April through September with no exceptions. During a tornado drill, classes will move to the lowest area of the building, such as the carpeted area in front of the infant/toddler or kitchen area. The serving area windows in the kitchen will be pulled down, and all doors shut, avoiding all entranceways surrounded by glass.

Flood Policy

Although flooding is unlikely at our location, during extreme weather, we will stay in touch with the proper authorities and follow their instructions. If serious flooding occurs, children will be moved to higher ground. The Program Director will listen to a battery-operated NOA weather radio for further instructions.


The Director will notify each lead teacher of hazardous weather conditions. In case of high winds, lightning, etc., staff will keep children away from windows. For more serious conditions, the tornado plan will be followed.


Atchison Child Care Association may initiate emergency evacuation procedures at any time for the safety and security of students and staff. If re-entry to the building is not possible within a reasonable time, or due to the incident specifics, students will be relocated to City Hall/Police Station (913-367-5525) for reunification with parents/guardians. This policy is included in the parent handbook and discussed upon enrollment.

During evacuation and relocation, the primary concern is the safety of students and accounting for their presence. We will shelter in place unless evacuation is absolutely necessary. Parents/guardians will be informed via KAIR Radio, Facebook, Bright Wheel app, or phone calls. Other communication means may also be used. Notifications will include instructions for reunification with students.

Teachers will gather Emergency Preparedness Kits, follow posted evacuation routes, and meet in front of the building on the sidewalk. We will then load the bus, drive east on Kansas Ave, and south to City Hall. All staff will ensure the safety and security of the children, and parents will be notified as stated above.

“SOS” Smiles of Silence

“SOS” is a code used for emergencies involving a “bad person,” “uninvited person,” “intruder,” or “danger.” Children are taught to stay safe by smiling and walking to their teacher silently when they hear “SOS.” Teachers will have designated hiding places in classrooms and will lock doors from the inside to keep children safe until help arrives.

Missing Child

In the unlikely event a child goes missing, local police will be notified immediately. A search of all facility areas and surroundings will be conducted, and parents will be informed immediately.

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials include substances that are flammable, combustible, explosive, toxic, noxious, corrosive, oxidizable, irritants, or radioactive. In case of a hazardous materials accident, such as a gas leak or solvent spill, we will notify the local fire department and follow safety directions. Isolation of the area, evacuation, or shelter-in-place may be necessary. During shelter-in-place, windows and doors will be sealed, and air intake systems shut off to protect from airborne hazardous materials. All classrooms will follow tornado drill procedures to a safe area on the first floor.

Utility Disruption

Loss of electricity or natural gas is likely in many disaster situations. We are prepared with adequate flashlights and battery-operated lanterns, and extra batteries are kept on hand. If a power outage lasts over two hours, parents will be contacted for early pick-up. Emergency Preparedness Kits will be utilized.

Water Disruption

During a water disruption, water will be available for several hours. Water supplies will be refreshed every three months, and gallon milk jugs will be saved for toilet flushing and hand washing. If a water event lasts more than three hours, parents will be contacted for early release. If meal preparation is affected, early pick-up will be necessary. Emergency Preparedness Kits will be utilized.


In the event of terrorism, we will remain calm, patient, and follow local emergency officials’ advice. We will use battery-operated NOA radios to stay informed, check for injuries, and provide first aid as needed. Parents will be contacted for release or as directed by local emergency officials. If needed, evacuation procedures to City Hall will be followed.